About fiat mission
FIATMISSION is a Missionary movement spread all over India and parts of Africa, supporting the Catholic Church for evangelization. Most Rev. Bishop Bosco Puthur (Curia Bishop) and Most Rev. Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal SVD, Indore Diocese, are our Patrons.
Heeding the 'Go' command of Jesus Christ, FIATMISSION works for the evangelization of India and Africa. FIATMISSION traces its beginning to a cell (group) of four Jesus Youth one of the best fruits of the charismatic tidal wave that swept and continues to sweep India since the 1980's. Since its humble inception in 2007 the ministry is actively involved in the mission of evangelization - reaching out to the remotest villages of India with the message of salvation proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
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Our Vision
"Global evangelization through Christ - catholic centered hi-technology interventions."

Our Mission
FIATMISSION exists to act as a Holy Spirit anointed facilitator to realize Jesus

Core Values
Christ centered, Holy Spirit filled, Catholic Church perspective, Striving continuously, Beyond time and space

Bibles by Fiat Mission

Millions of people in the world do not have the WORD OF GOD in their mother tongue.
The mission dioceses of the world are faced with the herculean task of Printing and distributing Bible in the local languages and dialects.
FIAT MISSION join hands with Bishops to make available the Bible in the languages and dialects of the people at the SUBSIDIZED PRICE or even distribute FREELY to the needy, if necessary
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Donate BIBLE
The Bible is given at a highly subsidized rate i.e. only 1/3 (One third) of the actual cost of production. (The cost of production for a Hindi Whole Bible is Rs. 150, but it is given for Rs. 50), so we have subsidized Rs. 100 per Bible. We were inspired to subsidize the cost of the Bible as this will make the Word of God available even to the poorest of the poor. Financial constraints should not be the reason for the Word of God not reaching everyone in our country.
Be a Part of Our Mission...
You can become our Spiritual partner in this work of Evangelizing and Re-evangelizing the globe by praying for the mission and by making a pledge today to support the project of Bible publication. âHe who is kind to the poor lends to the lord and he will reward him for what he has done.â (Prov 19:17)
You can sponsor as many Bibles as the Holy Spirit inspires you to, and for as long as you want.
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Millions of people in India do not have the WORD OF GOD in their mother tongue. The mission dioceses of India are faced with the herculean task of printing and distributing Bible in the local languages and dialects of India. FIATMISSION joins hands with Bishops to make available the bible in the languages and dialects of the people of India at affordable price or even distribute freely to the needy through Fiat Bible Printers.
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Fiat Training Programs are organized to form passionate and saintly missionaries who bear authentic witness to Christ. It is 100 days long program and is meant for those desiring to take up the challenge of full time commitment - committing themselves totally to Christ and to His mission. The dream of planting the cross of Christ across India is being realized as these commissioned missionaries proclaim gospel
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Fiat Magazine is a monthly circular in Malayalam distributed freely among Malayalees. There are 20,000 subscribers for the magazine and the number keeps growing. These subscribers are also our source of finance, who contributes monthly in their own capacity. They are also our prayer warriors. *Fiat Amulya Magazine is a FiatMission publication in Oriya and Hindi for Children.
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